Sunday, August 23, 2020

Bitter Love Quotes

Unpleasant Love Quotes Love resembles dull chocolate. Despite the fact that it can leave you with a severe preference for your mouth, you will at present be enticed to take a nibble whenever around. Numerous journalists have attempted to articulate the harsh encounters of affection and some have made a remarkable showing of it. Here are 21 severe love cites that draw out the distressingness of affection. Severe Quotes From Famous People Mother TeresaLoneliness and the sentiment of being undesirable is the most terrible.Ben HechtLove is an opening in the heart. Pearl Bailey The best euphoria, the most stunning hardship is love. James BaldwinThe face of a darling is an obscure, definitely on the grounds that it is contributed with such an extensive amount oneself. It is a riddle, containing, similar to all puzzles, the chance of torment. W. H. AudenHe was my North, my South, my East and West,My working week and Sunday rest,My early afternoon, my 12 PM, my discussion, my song;I believed that adoration would last forever:I wasn't right. Maureen Duffy The agony of adoration is the torment of being alive. It is a never-ending wound. William M. Thackeray To love and win is the best thing. To cherish and lose, the following best.Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIf I love you, what business is it of yours?ConfuciusCan there be an affection which doesn't set expectations for its object?Henry Wadsworth LongfellowIf I personally do not merit the charming, I am definitely not worth the winning.S. JohnsonLove is the insight of the imbecile and the indiscretion of the savvy. Kahlil Gibran Ever has it been that affection knows not its own profundity until the hour of detachment. Margaret MitchellI was never one to persistently get broken parts and paste them together again and reveal to myself that the repaired entire was all around great. What is broken will be broken, and Id preferably recollect it as it was at its best over retouch it and consider the to be puts as I lived.â Anais NinLove never passes on a characteristic demise. It kicks the bucket since we dont realize how to renew its source. It kicks the bucket of visual impairment and mistakes and disloyalties. It passes on of sickness and wounds; it kicks the bucket of exhaustion, of wilting, of tarnishing.Samuel Butler It is smarter to have cherished and lost than never to have lost. Mysterious Bitter Love Quotes AnonymousTo become hopelessly enamored is horrendously basic; to drop out of adoration is essentially terrible. Anonymous Love resembles paradise, yet it can hurt like hell.Anonymous Love resembles war: simple to start however hard to end.AnonymousI never felt genuine affection until I was with you, and I never felt genuine misery until you left me.AnonymousLove starts with a grin, develops with a kiss, and finishes with a teardrop.AnonymousNo matter how gravely your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your distress.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Voices of Wide Sargasso Sea free essay sample

In the second piece of Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea, the peruser increases another point of view on the account as the story switches between Mr. Rochester and Antoinette’s perspectives. Through varieties in phrasing and sentence structure, Rhys recognizes Rochester and Antoinette’s voices in â€Å"Part Two† of the novel. The second piece of the novel starts in Mr. Rochester’s perspective. There is an observable deviation in expression and grammar in Mr. Rochester’s voice from Antoinette’s prior portrayal. Mr. Rochester utilizes longer and increasingly complex sentences and musings to depict and clarify occasions in the novel. His voice follows the shows of an old style story. He gives subtleties, utilizes total sentences, and isolates his considerations from discussions. In any event, when in upsetting circumstances, Rochester keeps up a coolly graphic account. In contrast to the short, uneven sentences that passed on Antoinette’s alarm in â€Å"Part One† of the novel, Rochester’s depictions try to avoid panicking. We will compose a custom paper test on Voices of Wide Sargasso Sea or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At the point when frightened and lost in the forested areas, he expressively remarks that â€Å"I was lost and apprehensive among these adversary trees, so sure of threat that when I heard strides and a yell I didn't reply. † (95). However this quality fades close to the finish of the novel when Rochester alarms while thinking about his future with a frantic spouse. It is as if his voice falls apart all through the area as he experiences issues throughout his life. While examining his life toward the finish of Part Two, Rochester’s voice shows a unique frenzy and confusion as he converses with himself as opposed to giving a distinct account. Antoinette’s voice utilizes a lot shorter and less mind boggling sentences and thoughts to describe. Her voice appears to be all the more a continuous flow than a real account. She utilizes short, regularly rough sentences, frequently rehashes words, and poses expository inquiries. For example, while thinking about the possibility of London, Antoinette floats off into a passage of occupied, fragmented contemplations about the city. She contemplates, â€Å"England, blushing pink in the topography book map, yet on the page inverse the words are firmly packed, overwhelming looking. Fares, coal, iron, fleece. †¦Wolds? Does that mean slopes? How high? † (101). In spite of the fact that she despite everything figures out how to portray the story well, Antoinette’s voice is significantly more confounding and obfuscated than Mr. Rochester’s. Through her control of word usage and sentence structure, Jean Rhys makes acceptable and discernable voices for her storytellers, Antoinette and Mr. Rochester, in the second piece of Wide Sargasso Sea.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Writing a Social Studies Essay Topic For Use As a Paper

Writing a Social Studies Essay Topic For Use As a PaperWhen it comes to writing an essay in the areas of history, politics, religion or geography; there are a wide variety of options. However, it is important to have your essay written by someone who can edit your essay to make it perfect for the test.If you want to try something new with your essay topics, you may want to consider writing a special report on a single topic. One example of a special report would be about the Lincoln assassination. You can write a special report on the death of Abraham Lincoln and include all of the facts you can find about the tragedy surrounding the life of Abraham Lincoln.Perhaps you are interested in writing an essay on Obama's relationship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You may want to look into writing a report about how the church is involved in the lives of people around the world. You could include historical information and current information on the subject of Mormoni sm. This will provide a great example of an article that can be used as an essay topic for your writing assignments.You may want to think about the current topics of politics, social trends, religious topics related to the environment. These topics are good ones to research, but they are also very time consuming for anyone to write an entire essay on.However, you may be interested in writing an essay about the creation of the Democratic party. If you are an expert on this topic, you may want to research and find some valuable information about the Democratic party that may be useful to you.Another topic that may interest you is to write an essay on the process that was involved in the political process in the United States. As a social studies teacher, you can look at the history of the origins of the Republican party and the Democrats.You can write any idea that you may have friends that have ideas for you. Writing an essay is something that can be done on a personal level or you c an write one that can get you noticed by a college. The choice is up to you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Invention Of Inventors Inventing Solutions Essay

Inventing Solutions Every day, the world we live in fills up with more and more problems than the day before and it seems almost impossible to take care of them all. Throughout history, these problems have been given solutions, sometimes in ways the world has never seen before. These solutions are created by very innovative and creative individuals called inventors. Inventors are very unique people in the way that they impact the world with their ideas and can solve specific problems. The interesting thing about inventors is that anyone can be an inventor. Everyone has their own unique and creative imagination that can be used to invent items that solve the world’s problems. Many people are known for their inventions today and are famous for them and how they changed the world so drastically. Take Thomas Edison for instance; he invented the phonograph, motion picture camera and a longer lasting light bulb. Today, these inventions are seen as simple items and are even taken for granted. However, if we look back in time, we can see just how impactful these inventions were. This essay will discuss the many different inventions throughout history that changed the world we live in today, for better. One major invention that is underestimated today is clothing. The common cloth used today started out as cotton. Cotton strands are separated from the seeds of a cotton plant and those fibres are used to make fabrics and clothing. Separating the cotton strands and seeds was doneShow MoreRelatedThe Invention Of Thomas Edison Essay1662 Words   |  7 Pagesgreatest inventors and largest contributors to the modern world we live in. Think of the world where candles were used more than light bulbs and there was no way to listen to music without it being live, or watching a motion picture movie. It seems impossible to have a world without these things but if Edison did not invent the footing for these objects they might not exist. Edison one of the most accomplished in ventors to ever exist, with over one thousand patents and groundbreaking inventions. ThomasRead MoreThe Creation Of New Inventions974 Words   |  4 PagesIf people are the same, can the creation of new inventions come into existence? How can society and individuals improve if there are no differences? In fact, innovation comes from the mind, but the uniqueness of people has led to these creations. Ever since the first incandescent lightbulb to the present age of rockets and computers, these inventions are what have helped society progress forward into a new era of life. However, how can people comprehend that a single person has created a complexRead MoreApple vs Samsung essay1445 Words   |  6 Pagesfactors of protecting rights of inventors and innovators in the world, through that rightful act a lot of companies were said to have abused that right to their benefit, in which it affected the consumers, competing companies and up coming inventors and innovators, those acts both d iscouraged some skilled workers and innovators. This report will discuss the thought of abuse of patents by major companies and the repercussions of these actions on the workers, inventors, innovators and consumers. ItRead MoreThomas Edison : The Greatest Inventor1516 Words   |  7 PagesThomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison once said â€Å"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.† Edison is often known as not only the greatest American inventor but one of the greatest inventors to in the whole world. 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Here he began studying and experimenting how to improve the telegraph apparatus. By 1868, he stated to paten his first invention the vote recorder. After his first invention he started to invent other useful things that will change the world. In the end Thomas Edison has patented 1,093 inventions where he was nicknamed The Wizard of MenloRead MoreDesigning And Problem Of An Engineer Essay1531 Words   |  7 Pagesdesign if it works, but they will also have to claim responsibility if the bridge fails and people are hurt. In order for an engineer to apply their own idea or solution to aid in the solution of a problem within society, they must first patent and claim their own idea. Pat ents are, in fact, the most important part of the designing and inventing process to any and every engineer. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My View On The Theology Of Divorce Essay - 2158 Words

As a retired Washington DC Fire Department Battalion Chief, Jim Johnson brings a unique perspective to counseling. In 1995, Johnson accepted a full-time calling as the Pastor of Care and Concern at Faith Community Church in Gambrills, MD. His ministerial education is based on a biblical approach, which he learned from both real-life experience and training from noted counseling professors such as David Powlison, Ed Welch, and Paul Tripp. Within the interview, Johnson demonstrated his passion for reaching people first with the gospel as the most important tool to see real change in the heart of families. Interview What is your view on the theology of divorce? Johnson quickly responded that divorce is not ordained by God, but He gave permission because of man’s sinful heart (Deut. 24). Based on Christ’s discussion on divorce, God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman for one lifetime (Matt. 19). The only grounds for divorce are in cases of immorality or if an unbeliever leaves, but Johnson fervently stressed that even in these cases couples do not have to divorce. In marriage and divorce counseling, the counselor’s role is to present the full scope of Scriptures to the divorcing couple. Johnson was careful to add that that choices of both reconciliation and divorce should be thoroughly considered, and the counselor should not necessarily advocate for one choice above another. His reasoning is that the â€Å"counselor is not the moral agent of change,Show MoreRelatedMarriage and Divorce776 Words   |  4 PagesTheo202_B22 Short Essay #2 Short Essay on Marriage and Divorce One morning while doing my devotions, I received a phone call from my friend Jane. She told me that Tom and herself had hit a rough spot in their marriage, and were considering their options. 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Professor Tsang free essay sample

Why would you choose to run a business as a partnership? (2). A and B are in partnership as accountants. Without B’s knowledge, A, in the name of the partnership, entered the following transactions, although he had no express authority to do so: (i) (ii) purchased new office stationery and equipment for the firm. purchased shares to the value of $15,000 in the partnership name in an exploration company soon to be floated on the ASX. (a) (b) Discuss the liability of the partnership. Can B be personally liable for either of the transactions? (3) Andy, Bob and Chris were old school friends. Bob and Chris were running a surf shop together. The business was having financial difficulties. Andy had recently inherited a lot of money and Bob and Chris asked him to lend the business $100,000 to enable them to buy sufficient stock for the summer season. Andy wanted to help his friends but also wanted to ensure that he would get his money back. We will write a custom essay sample on Professor Tsang or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He agreed to lend Bob and Chris the money in return for a payment of $10,000 per year out of the gross returns of the shop. (a) Discuss whether or not a partnership exists between Andy, Chris and Bob. b) Would it make any difference if the terms of the loan provided for Andy to be paid $10,000 per year out of the profits of the business and he was to be consulted on any business decisions involving liability of $5,000 or more? Explain your answer in terms of the Partnership Act. 2 1. The Corporations Act 2001 addresses issues relating to the national regulation of companies in Australia. What were the main problems of earlier schemes? 2. Ryan is an ambitious amateur theatrical director who sees a future in commercial promotion of small-scale amateur dramatic productions. The actors will be paid a small fee but there is a profit to the promoters. In case the show is successful there is the chance of an extended season, country tours or even television broadcast. Ryan has been told of the various forms of business organisation, and he asks your advice about the formation of a company. He envisages that a number of his friends would be prepared to invest substantial sums of money, and that 40 or more theatrical acquaintances will be prepared to make a nominal investment as a gesture of support. (i) (ii) What kind of company would best suit the needs of these investors? a) (b) (c) who will manage the affairs of the company? how will they be appointed? will the company have a common seal? 1 (3) Nicola and May are presently partners in a business which operates a second-hand book shop. They have two employees working for the business. The shop is located in leased premises. The business is doing well and has been profitable for them. An opportunity has ari sen to purchase two second-hand bookshops in nearby suburbs. Nicola and May are keen to expand their business. They will need a large injection of funds to purchase the additional businesses. They will need to appoint a manager to at least one of the shops, as they will be fully occupied by the other two. Nicola is concerned about her potential liability for the debts and liabilities of the partnership. Also, she is concerned about the future of the business if one of them should decide to leave, as the lease is in both of their names. Advise Nicola on the advantages and disadvantages of forming a company. If you recommend that registering a company which type would be the most appropriate? (4). Indri runs a soil testing business. He decides to form a company to take over the business. He is the sole shareholder and sole director. Indri sells his business to the company at an inflated price and lends the company $90,000 to help meet the cost of purchase. As security for the loan, Indri arranges a mortgage over a vacant block of land, which he transferred to the company as part of the business sale. In the first year of operation, the business makes a small profit (after paying both Indri and his daughter’s wages), but by the end of 2004 it is clear that the building industry is going through a major slump. Indri becomes desperate and works even harder. While working late into the night, Indri badly lacerates his hand and needs micro-surgery. His efforts to keep the business afloat are in vain and the company is forced into liquidation. On realization of the assets, it is found that the company has approximately $95,000 to go towards meeting creditors’ claims of $210,000: (i) If Indri is the only secured creditor, will he get his $90,000 back? (ii) Can Indri claim workers’ compensation, assuming that he is otherwise entitled to it? 3 (1) What is the relationship between the decision in Crabtree-Vickers Pty Ltd v Australian Direct Mail Advertising and Addressing Co. Pty Ltd (1975) 133 CLR 72 and s. 129(3) of the Corporations Act. (2) X is the promoter of X Pty Ltd, a company to which X proposes to sell some land for high-rise development. (Assume the present zoning of this land does not permit such development). What would you advise X to do, and why? (3) Ryan signs a lease for a theatre to be used by Astor Theatre Group Pty Ltd, a company that has not yet been registered. How can the company be bound (and have rights) under such a lease? Can Ryan avoid personal liability if the lease with the company doesn’t proceed? (4) Alan and Bill are the only shareholders and directors of Sailaway Pty Ltd (Sailaway) which distributes and sells yachting clothing and equipment. As well as a warehouse and attached shop, Sailaway owns a large block of waterfront land which it uses for storage. Alan is also the chairman and majority shareholder of Broadacres Pty Ltd (Broadacres) which buys rural land for subdivision into hobby farms. Broadacres needs 2 to borrow $1. 5 million to fund its latest purchase. It already has a large overdraft and has no unencumbered assets to use as security for another loan. Alan organized a loan of $1. 5 million to Broadacres from ABC Bank on the basis that Sailaway would guarantee the loan by executing a mortgage over its waterfront land. Alan signed the mortgage documents as a director of Sailaway and forged Bill’s signature as the other signatory. Tom, the local manager of ABC Bank, had been involved in earlier dealings with Sailaway and knew that its business did not include property development. However, Tom was away at the time the documents and the transactions were organized by a relieving manager who did not ask any questions about Sailaway’s involvement.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Product Launch in German Market

Introduction Launching a product into a new market is often challenged with a mixed reaction from potential customers. Often, early adopters form only the narrow apex of market segment triangle consisting of competition, divergent preference, and different lifestyle controlled by a customer’s purchasing power.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Product Launch in German Market specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, before an entry bid into a new market, several preset conditions must be fulfilled from recommendations of a researched sales projections and market behavior. As a matter of fact, success of a product launched in a new market will be determined by the management decision rationale, market segmentation, pricing, existence of competitors, buying motives, magnitude of risk, and uniqueness of the said product. Beauty industry has been experiencing constant metamorphosis. Reflectively, new products and modifications on old products are the order of the day as businesses across the globe attempt to cut and maintain a niche in the crowded market. Management Summery Management science is critical in modeling and transforming a blue print of ideas into a reality. Management involves research, design, production, sales, and efficiency as means of maximizing profits. As a matter of fact, a successful management team should be put in place especially in marketing, logistics, and follow up to determine success and sustainability in the volatile fragrance market characterized by pop culture and celebrity endorsement. Therefore, the management team for Tunner spar spray will consist of the marketing manager, logistics personnel. The marketing manager has the responsibility of monitoring progress, managing risk, and studying consumer behavior. Periodic finding will be important in product modification and packaging to meet demands of customers in the highly volatile Germany. Target Group In product market, our life style defines the activities we are involved in, beliefs, opinion, health aspect, and interests. As defined in the â€Å"Activities, Interest, and Opinion†, life style directly dictates purchasing behavior and preference. Germany population consists of many literate women who have continued to be more conscious of health matters and beauty.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Specifically, the cosmopolitan Deutschland city has a comfortable percentage of high market women who have fully embraced beauty and natural attractiveness. Besides, they tend to associate with sophistication and have money to spend. The middle and high social classes women are the key target this product. This groups are heavy spenders in beauty products especially those that promise unique aspects and have unique features. As the issue of need for safety and prevention of cancerous infection penetrate beauty industry, German women have increasingly grown shy from synthetic cosmetics and prefer natural products. The target group has a peculiar buying motive for beauty product. The main reason for purchase of beauty products is to try the best possible (Longenecker, Petty, Palich and Moore, 2009, p.34). Besides, a good percentage of sales are generated by referrals from satisfied customers. Beauty products are bought for use in skin care and protection form harsh climatic conditions. Product Development Success of a product launched in a new market will be determined by the management decision rationale, market segmentation, pricing, existence of competitors, buying motives, magnitude of risk, and uniqueness of the said product. Beauty industry has been experiencing constant metamorphosis across the globe. Sweet Tuner spray is a beauty product that gives clients a glowing natural skin texture. This product is developed from assorted rich Ecocert DHA elements and fragrances with active tanning ingredients. At 8.45%, this product is the best among others for that rich olive tone and golden glowing skin. Through selective research about the potential customers that can access other beauty products in this class, and by eavesdropping on the celebrity preference talks, the resultant product is tailored and encrypted with a personal tag of quality and affordability (Butterworth-Heinemann Byrnes, 2009, p.13). The fragrance is quite resilient and can withstand harsh sunny environment. Besides, it also has a portable stylish container bottle and some variants offer multiple customized properties thus making it easier to apply, doing away with the need for constant application as common with other products with limited adjustments flexibility.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Product Launch in German Market specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This product has minimal ef fect on nearly all types of skin and has received approval from the pharmaceutical organization of Germany as having a clean bill of health. All different variety of this product emits a unique identifier fragrance regardless of the type. Most of potential clients seem to suggest that this product is the best invention in the beauty industry (Laudon and Laudon, 2007, p.45). Besides its unique package and affordable price tag, this 200ml bottle of skin turner offers quality against money considering the fact that it retails at $5 while most of other products in the same class trade for a higher value. Also, the product comes in different fragrance to fit different occasions and customer preference. Market Launch Risk Beauty industry majorly functions on product identity and class affiliation. As a matter of fact, some beauty products have penetrated the market and have worn several customers who often identify themselves with these products (Zahra and George, 2002, p.23). Women in Ge rmany observe strong cultural practices that at times contrast modern perception of beauty and pharmaceutical usage. They believe in traditional beauty products that have been tried and approved by many users. In Munich, there are many natural and herbal therapeutic beauty agents who discretely offer the alternative beauty skin care. In a hybrid between the traditional and modern beauty, German women try several alternatives. Adoption of a beauty product mainly depends on a recommendation by a relative or friend. Potential customers often source for traditional or household beauty products in this class from neighborhood stores. Then, they turn to the traditional beauty experts and market for further recommendations. If the find a positive response, their trust is worn otherwise they proceed to mainstream pharmacy to buy over-the-counter skin care medication as suggested to by friends (Erricos and Cristian, 2007, p.46). This trend present a real challenge in the launch of this produ ct since the first impression and convincing traditional beauticians may prove difficult. Besides, existing products have cult like following and change might be resisted. In addition, the opportunity cost of balancing the target and actual accomplishment is directly associated with success of the launch. Cultural competency is necessary to for success of this skin product. In many cases, acceptability depends on perception of the targeted consumers. While well intentioned, this scenario erects more barriers to communication. Firstly, due to generational gap, an adult does not readily share all their intimate discomforts with a product like young generation does ( Maness and Zietlow, 2005,p.67).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Secondly, distortion of context can occur for concepts are culture-specific. Culturally, German communities are very social sharing household with multigenerational variance (Baskerville, 2004,p.17). Therefore, a mere approval might not necessarily translate into sales and success. Rereference List Baskerville, R 2004, International e-business marketing, Alabama: Cengage Learning EMEA. Butterworth-Heinemann Byrnes 2009, Management and the Arts, 4th edn, Focal Press. Erricos, J. and Cristian, G 2007, Optimisation, econometric and financial analysis, London: Springer-Verlag. Laudon, K., Laudon, J. P 2007, â€Å"Using internet tools to increase efficiency and productivity†, Essentials of Management Information System, vol 8, pp. 300-410. Longenecker, G. J., Petty J W., Palich E. L. and Moore, W 2009, Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, USA: Cengage Learning. Maness, T., and Zietlow, J 2005, Short-term financial management, New York: Thomso n Learning. Zahra, S., and George, G (2002), International Entrepreneurship: The current status of the Field and Future Research Agenda in Strategic Entrepreneurship creating a new mindset, Oxford Uk: Blackwell Publishing. This essay on Product Launch in German Market was written and submitted by user Uriah R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The light in my Darkness Essay Example

The light in my Darkness Essay Example The light in my Darkness Paper The light in my Darkness Paper Assignment Compare the two passages. Comment on layout, subject and style of writing and language. Both pieces of writing are about being a hostage, one to the sea and the other to men. The first article is for the newspaper The Independent, its a broadsheet which is published daily, and its considered to be a conservative newspaper. The other article is for Readers Digest a weekly magazine aimed for intellectuals, it can only be bought by subscription. Since they are different, they are adapted to accommodate the different preferences of their readers.To compare the two pieces I will separate the three tasks into different paragraphs. In the subject you can find some similarities such as both were kept against their will in some place. Both are true stories of extreme survival. Bullimore the survivor in The Independent is able to withhold on his boat for four days the 60 ft waves of the Pacific Ocean. Waite the survivor in The Readers Digest stays captive 1,763 in a cell. The mental and physical conditions of both survivors are transmitted by the different types of language and style of writing.The styles of writing and language of these two pieces of journalism are very different, mainly because they have different readers. The first article written as a heroic piece of journalism, it glorifies the survival of Tony Bullimore. This is achieved by the writer using words that transmit tension to the reader. he described the horrific conditions that he had endured. Faced with danger The second article is a breath-taking experience happening to someone then writing his feelings, emotions and the actual experience.The style of writing is linked to the media in which its published. The tone, initial ideas, writing styles, structure contributes to give out big contrasts between the two Medias. The first article has a big picture of the rescue, with huge waves; the picture is near the centre of the page, making it a noticeable picture. The second article doesnt have any illustration of any kind but using long and descriptive sentences he can produce a better replica of how really conditions were like.Description like total darkness, metal sheet covers the window, thin foam mattress my candle splutters creates the atmosphere of the prisoners cell. The titles and sub-headings are also different, the first the title is Thank God-its a miracle shows how the article portrays the ordeal as a miraculous escape. The attitude of the piece is that of a sensatationalist reporting. The sub-headings follow the same style and they all start with The which suggests how big this rescue is, its not just a rescue its The Rescue.On the other hand The light in my Darkness, the title of the second article tells how different the two are. There is an imagery in the title, its an antithesis, this shows that the readers of that media should be a bit more developed intellectually. The broadsheet uses a persuasive, survival and heroic language; by this I mean that during the whole article its always glorifying Bullimore. This language is a constant build-up of Bullimores ordeal.To make the article more reliable and believable the reporter uses the opinions of clinical specialists like Dr Howard Oakley of the institute of Naval Medicine, the author uses quotes of these specialists to make it more believable. As I have said before the article only glorifies him isnt true, there is a human side of the story and a side of some luck and not just professionalism. Using Bullimore s own words makes the article even more real, it creates the human side of the story. The second article uses a more emotional and descriptive type of language, the author of the second article wants to show his suffering.He is always describing his state of mind and his environment. I have been interrogated, beaten and endured a mock execution shows just how much he suffers. Some readers may find repulsive the constant glorification of the hostage. The tense also plays a role in the way the articles make there points. In the first article it uses the past tense I had to find myself a spot as high as possible , I took a few deep breaths, I started shouting, all this add to the feeling that its happened but thank god its over.This is nothing like the second article because the second article uses the present tense I cant see, I am being held, I climbed under a blanket all this creates an unavoidable atmosphere of fear and trauma. It makes the reader aware that he probably is still passing the horrendous experience. To finish off the layout is another very important aspect that we must comment on, at a first glance the differences are evident, the titles, sub-titles, images all that the first has but the second only has a significant title.The article in The Independent has the typical layout of that of a broadsheet article. Many paragraphs and columns all are used to make the article more reader friendly and more eye-catching. These things must be used in a broadsheet so that its successful. The other article uses only a large title and a sub-title underneath it then just consists of paragraphs and prose no quotes or images like the first article. It has nothing that is eye-catching for the reader. This means that even without the eye-catching factors it is still read.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Cancer and Reproducibility of Decisions

Cancer and Reproducibility of Decisions Ur ologic ca n cer : W h a t a bo u t re p r odu c ib i l i ty of d ec i s ion m a de a t m ultidi sci plin a r y t e a m m a n a g e m e nt? BAYOUD Y, LOOCK PY, MENARD J, MESSAOUDI R, RIPERT T, PIERREVELCIN J, KOZAL S, LEON P, KAMDOUM M, CHOLET I, LARRE S . Â   Abstract: I nt r odu c t i on : The prostate cancer (PCa) treatment is multimodal. Thus multidisciplinary team management (MDTM) decision-making process appears as a tool to answer all aspects of PCa. To evaluate the reproducibility of therapeutic decisions made at MDTM. M a t erials a n d M e thod s : We compared therapeutic decisions of PCa by presenting the same file of patient under a fake identity after 6 to 12 months from the first presentation. Forty-nine files of radical prostatectomy (RP) (28 pT2, 21 pT3) performed for clinical localized PCa were represented at MDTM which included urologist, oncologist, pathologist and radiologist. Analysis of therapeutic decisions comprised criteria as: TNM stage, Gleason score, margin status and comorbidities. The reproducibility was assessed statistically by Kappa coefficient. R es u l t s: Forty-nine file of radical prostatectomy (RP). The mean age was similar in both groups. The mean PSA was 8,32 ng/ ml (3,56-19,5) in pT2 group and 9.4ng/ml (3,8-22) in pT3 group. The margin status was positive in 25% and 47,6% respectively in pT2 and pT3 group. Decision made for pT2 group were the same in 100% case (k=1). In the group of pT3 (n=21), 33% of decision were different at second MDTM, especially for pT3b with only 29% reproducible decision (k= 0,1). Concerning pT3a, 86% of decision were reproducible (k= 0,74). Con cl u s i on : We showed a reliability and reproducibility of decision made at MDTM when guidelines are well defined. The therapeutic attitudes were less reproducible in locally advanced PCa but decision concerning those cases should be made in the setting of guidelines. K e y w o r d s : Cancer, Kappa coefficient, Prostate , multidisciplinary, Reproducibility. INTRODUCTION: The prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequent cancer in men as well in Europe and USA (1). The PCa counts for 11% of all men cancers and it’s responsible for 9% of the mortality by cancer in men in Europe. In France in 2010, the incidence of PCa was 71577 cases and the related mortality of PCa at the same year was 8791 deaths which represent a 2.5% less mortality per year during last years (2). The multidisciplinary team management becomes an obligation for all oncologic fields as mentioned by the French government law: cancer program 2003-2007, this program stipulate that each new patient should benefit from MDTM decision-making process, organize the setting of MDTM and also gives tools to develop trials of research for a new diagnosis and therapeutic arsenal (3). Some urologists express some doubt about the interest of MDTM because of it’s a new burden without assigned budget while others see in the MDTM an equalit y of chance of patients, and possibility to include patients in trials and protocols. Number of European study showed the interest of MDTM and its beneficial impact on survival (4, 5). The efficiency of decisions made at MDTM is obvious but the evidence about their reproducibility remains doubtful. Through patients underwent a radical prostatectomy (RP) for localized prostate cancer (PCa) and represented identically, we evaluated a reproducibility of decision made at MDTM.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Weekly Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Weekly Discussion - Essay Example In this regard, the reason why Klein and Zeljka have to respond to the counter-arguments posed to the original study was to further make the issue clear. Klein published the article I Was Wrong, and So Are You in The Atlantic, and objected to publishing in The Wall Street Journal. This can be considered as a deliberate attempt of ensuring that the information is tailored to the appropriate audience. In doing this, Klein must have been aware that The Atlantic and The Wall Street Journal command different audience. It is widely argued that The Wall Street Journal is most read by policy makers, including the politicians. On the other hand, The Atlantic is read by the general public, which may not necessarily counter as policy makers, but inform the decision making process. These include parents, students and businessmen. In my view, the reason why information as well as the media should be changed is to assure information objectivity. This is in reference to the fact that people have different points of view and interest. This means that for the objectives of the information to be realized, adjustments for inclusivity should be

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Reviews and reaction on a film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reviews and reaction on a film - Essay Example ocumentary’s primary focus is Sally Mann; however, the documentary takes the viewer through Mann’s personal life with her children, husband, mother, and friends. In effect, the documentary reveals Mann’s personality to the viewer, which makes the viewer understand her photography work. The documentary provides the viewer with an understanding of the factors behind the personal nature of Mann’s photographs. In this case, her preoccupation and strong relationship with her family are instrumental in Mann’s photography since some of work may appear provocative, which underlines her open-mindedness. As earlier indicated, Mann uses old equipment in the contemporary technological era. In this regard, her large format camera requires exposure times of a number of minutes before use. In effect, this shows her patience and calmness, which provides her with the impulse to capture beautiful photographs. In addition, Mann produces her photos in a fragile and old process that makes her lose some photographs in the process. In this case, this is a depiction of a strong sense of idiosyncrasy, which implies her remarkable willingness to pursue unconventional ideas. In conclusion, the documentary depicts Mann as a remarkable individual intent on pursuing her goals. Although she uses old procedures and equipment, Mann’s work is humbling to photographers and all artists since she exploits the flaws of old procedures to produce unintended patterns that enhance her concept and aesthetic values in

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Business Life Of Ancient Athens :: essays research papers

The Business Life of Ancient Athens   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Business Life of Ancient Athens is an informative book about different aspects of Ancient businesses and Ancient ways of dealing with money. This book first starts out by explaining the agricultural aspects of Ancient Athens. Agriculture was not well for Athens, so they had to trade a lot. It is recorded as early as the 6th century BC that grain was a very big part of an average Athenian's diet. Therefore; much grain trade was necessary because Greece land was very bad for agricultural purposes. Athens had grown industrially and commercially within time, and this was also a problem: overpopulation. Also, many Spartan tribes over and over attacked Greece and destroyed any crops that might grow in the soil. Peasants were also sent to work at farms but they lost care in their farms and found it better to live in the city, living off small amounts of money that came from doing state services. During this time, many people learned ways of math because they needed to know how much grain is needed per person. Although these calculations are not totally accurate, they are a start in banking and maybe even other ways of mathematics. The Peloponnesian War also occurred- leaving Greece(Attica) with nothing. Attica was forced by famine to go under Peloponnesian rule. By now, trade had come in an uproar. Many people had found it easy to trade by sea. So many merchants with not enough money would borrow money from rich people and then buy cargo space on a ship. In most cases the merchant went on the ship to get the goods to sell. Then on returning, the merchant would sell the goods, and then pay off the lender, with a 22.5 percent interest rate. In many cases, problems occurred, sometimes a merchant returned late, could not pay all of the money back, or something or other. Therefore the idea of a collateral was invented. Also, courts were established to rule these sorts of fights amongst the people. These courts weren't used in the winter because of stormy weather and so not to interrupt commercial business. Courts were required to solve a case within 30 days, this procedure only applies to cases where and actual legal documented agreement was made between the lender and the merchant. Many merchants did not return, therefore the collateral was the lender's to keep. But often the merchant didn't have anything good to start with so many lenders lost money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Next, the book talked about Banking and Bankers. Early banking dates back all the way to Sumer and Akkad where many specialized in weighing things The Business Life Of Ancient Athens :: essays research papers The Business Life of Ancient Athens   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Business Life of Ancient Athens is an informative book about different aspects of Ancient businesses and Ancient ways of dealing with money. This book first starts out by explaining the agricultural aspects of Ancient Athens. Agriculture was not well for Athens, so they had to trade a lot. It is recorded as early as the 6th century BC that grain was a very big part of an average Athenian's diet. Therefore; much grain trade was necessary because Greece land was very bad for agricultural purposes. Athens had grown industrially and commercially within time, and this was also a problem: overpopulation. Also, many Spartan tribes over and over attacked Greece and destroyed any crops that might grow in the soil. Peasants were also sent to work at farms but they lost care in their farms and found it better to live in the city, living off small amounts of money that came from doing state services. During this time, many people learned ways of math because they needed to know how much grain is needed per person. Although these calculations are not totally accurate, they are a start in banking and maybe even other ways of mathematics. The Peloponnesian War also occurred- leaving Greece(Attica) with nothing. Attica was forced by famine to go under Peloponnesian rule. By now, trade had come in an uproar. Many people had found it easy to trade by sea. So many merchants with not enough money would borrow money from rich people and then buy cargo space on a ship. In most cases the merchant went on the ship to get the goods to sell. Then on returning, the merchant would sell the goods, and then pay off the lender, with a 22.5 percent interest rate. In many cases, problems occurred, sometimes a merchant returned late, could not pay all of the money back, or something or other. Therefore the idea of a collateral was invented. Also, courts were established to rule these sorts of fights amongst the people. These courts weren't used in the winter because of stormy weather and so not to interrupt commercial business. Courts were required to solve a case within 30 days, this procedure only applies to cases where and actual legal documented agreement was made between the lender and the merchant. Many merchants did not return, therefore the collateral was the lender's to keep. But often the merchant didn't have anything good to start with so many lenders lost money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Next, the book talked about Banking and Bankers. Early banking dates back all the way to Sumer and Akkad where many specialized in weighing things

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Disease trends of the delivery healthcare systems Essay

Advances in global health and science have assisted the disease trends. It has become a never ending mission to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease as well as injury and disability. There have been noted demographic changes in the past 50 years that have resulted from changing trends in child, maternal, and adult death rates (CDC, 2011). Among these are rises in obesity and aging. As these health concerns continue to climb we will have a greater impact on the delivery of services from health care. The importance of these trends assists in prevention and protecting one’s self from new diseases and illnesses as well as old ones. One of the noted trends in healthcare is aging. Focusing on the world’s age composition is one way to understand the impacts and changes in further years to come. According to the US Census Bureau (2013), the elderly population age 65 and older during the twentieth century composed one in every twenty five individuals. In the twenty first century, this same population composed one in every 8 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2013). This showed that the life expectancy of humans has become longer. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2013), the population in the United States in the year of 2010 was 308.7 million. This indicated a near 10 percent increase over the past ten years. This same 2010 census showed that the elderly population composed 13 percent as opposed to only being 9 percent in the year of 2000. The notable change was determined that there were fewer people in the 65-75 age range but there were more individuals in the 75-85 age ranges. It proved that there were more increasingly elderly individuals reaching into their seventies and even eighties. This increase in age showed that life expectancy and advances in medicine have contributed to individuals living longer lives. This would indicate that as long as medicines and healthcare continued to advance, so would the elderly population in growth. Environmental factors directly contribute to population growth. For one, as the population continues to grow in size, the  natural resources and undeveloped land becomes utilized to accommodate this expansion. Clearing the land and making it more desirable offers more room to continue additions in the population. This in turn offers an increase in the resources that can be utilized for healthcare and science in the creation of vaccines and medications. This increased development has also led to the finding of new resources such as unknown species of plants and animals. These newer found resources can be tested to see if they offer any properties in the expansion of healthcare and medications. The Medical Plant Consortium (2013) states, â€Å"Our major goal in this project has been to capture blue prints of medicinal plants for the advancement of drug discovery and development.† The medical plant consortium further adds well known medicines such as digoxin used for cardiac muscle stimulation comes from the fox glove plant and some of the chemotherapy medications such as vinchristine come from the periwinkle plant. Another noted environmental factor is that the population density has grown over the years. In addition to the population growth, land clearing has been increasing for the purpose of crops farmed for human consumption. The combination of needed developed land for farm crops and the growing population has only contributed to more land being cleared for further discoveries. Some of the changing demographics have been an increase in the population density. Over the years due to advancements in medications and healthcare improving the human life expectancy, th ere is an indicated increase of individuals per square mile than years prior. This is due to the slow development of land but also human life expectancy increasing. January 2011 ushered in the first of approximately 77 million baby boomers born from 1946 through 1964 and surging towards the gates of retirement. Each year 3.5 baby boomers turn 55.† This increase indicates that by 2030 there will be more than twice in the elderly population that in the year 2000 (Transgenerational, 2009). The aging trend is likely to experience an increase in the health issues of today. As we live longer there is more wear and tear to our bodies that developed the need for further medical assistance. As we age our blood vessels and arteries become stiffer causing the heart to have to work harder to function. The longer the heart has to function under this strain, the more likely complications will occur. These factors are directly linked to high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. In addition with aging,  ones bones tend to lose bone mass. This not only weakens t hem increasing the risk for fracture but effects muscle function. Over time muscles lose flexibility and strength. These factors contribute to arthritis. According to the CDC (2013), one of ever two persons will knee arthritis and one in every four will develop hip arthritis. This clearly supports that disease and illness will become more likely as we age. In order to reduce health related problems in aging one should remain fit and incorporate an exercise regimen into their daily life. In addition eating a healthy diet, not smoking, managing stress and taking a daily supplement can help prolong age related diseases (CDC, 2013). Currently the obesity rate in the United States is nearly two of every three persons (Surgeon general, 2009). Research has shown that the united states have the highest population of obesity. A report done from July 2013 shown that the united stated passed the obesity rates of Mexico (Medical News Today, 2013). The U.S. obesity rate has grown from 13 percent in 1960 to 32 percent in 2004 (surgeon general, 2009). References: 1- Centers of Disease Control (CDC), 2010. 2- Department of Health and Human services, 2012. 3- U.S. Census Bureau, 2013. 4- U.S. Census Bureau, 2011. 5-, 2013. 6- Transgenerational- design matters, 2009. 7- Mayo clinic, 2013. 8- Surgeon general, 2009. 9- Medical News Today, 2013.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Reasons For Creating The Articles Of Confederation

Abby King Mid term 1 1. Explain the reason for creating the Articles of Confederation? What events lead up to the Articles? How did Shay’s Rebellion alter the Articles of Confederation? The Articles of Confederation were created as a form of nation government for the United States after they separated from Great Britain (Articles). There were several plans that came before the Articles of Confederations. â€Å"The Albany Plan an earlier, pre-independence attempt at joining the colonies into a larger union, had failed in part because the individual colonies were concerned about losing power to another central institution† (Articles). Shay’s Rebellion was critical to the nation because it let them to rethink the government system they had in place. The Articles of Confederation left the government with limited access to taxing, executive, commerce, amendments and domestic order. They were not able to tax, so they had to beg the states to help pay for things like war. They had to get al l thirteen states in agreement before they were allowed to do anything. This left the central government weak (Lenz 33). 2. Explain the Federalist and Anti-Federalist view of the Bill of Rights. Be sure to include how the Federalist Papers’ authors influenced the creation of the Constitution. Coming from two different standpoints the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist disagreed with each other. The Federalist warned against adding the Bill of Rights. Their reasoning for the warning was thatShow MoreRelatedGoverning the Nation771 Words   |  4 Pagesembody what he felt was rational. In this essay, Governing the Nation I will deliver my perception on Edward Randolph philosophical ideals embodied by the Declaration of Independence, the comparisons and variances of both concepts in the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution and how each of the ideas respectively affected Edward’s assigned role. 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